News and activity abound for Girl Friday
Welcome to 2015 — Some big things are happening here at Girl Friday and we are thrilled to share all of them with you!
Along with the new website new look, we our expanding the reach of our blog (what you are reading right now) titled Front Page Friday. Look for regular updates every other Friday with the latest news on upcoming events, readings and shows, interviews with local theater artists, thoughts on American Theater, and an inside look at our company. You can also follow Front Page Friday postings on Twitter and Facebook.
Even more exciting than an updated blog, we have a real special event coming up at the beginning of March. What better way to start this season than with a PARTY! And YOU are all invited.
Join in the Fun!
On March 2, 2015, Café Levain will be hosting Pizza & Pinot: a Fundraiser for Girl Friday. On this night the café will be closed to the general public, and the wood-fired delights of Pizza Biga and wine selections from Café Levain will be available only to Girl Friday family. Many thanks to Harvey McLain for donating his time, food, and venue to Girl Friday for the night.

In addition to an evening of casual and delicious fare, you'll also enjoy door prizes, a silent auction of unique experiences, and the opportunity to chat up close and personal with The Matchmaker cast and creative team. Girl Friday Productions is committed to working with outstanding local talent, and this fundraising event will help to support increased artist stipends for The Matchmaker and future productions. Thanks to the generosity of Café Levain, all proceeds from Pizza & Pinot will directly benefit Girl Friday Productions!
RSVP — Tickets, Where and When
How do I get into this exclusive evening of revelry? Glad you asked! Tickets are available for reservation by following this link to Brown Paper Tickets or by mailing a check payable to Girl Friday Productions to:
4221 17th Avenue South
Minneapolis MN 55407
There will be a limited number of tickets available at the door for $50, but order in advance for only $40 a ticket and have a spot reserved in the fun. Once you have made a reservation, plan to join us anytime between 6:00 and 8:30 pm on March 2nd as your schedule allows.
Take out those calendars now and save the date!
Pizza & PInot: A Fundraiser for Girl Friday Productions
March 2, 2015
6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
4762 Chicago Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55407
That’s the news in brief this week from Girl Friday productions—check in with us Friday, Feb 6th for more updates and a personal interview with one of our company artists!
We look forward to chatting with all of you on March 2nd but until then, see you on the web.
Front Page Friday: Girl Friday Blog is created and curated by Chava Curland and the Girl Friday Team.